Apple AirPods Pro 2nd Gen
Deal Score0
$399 (+ Bonus $80 Apple Gift Card)
$399 (+ Bonus $80 Apple Gift Card)
From @bargainsgrabber’s comment: the AirPods Pro 2 should be an all time low after factoring in the bonus apple gift card and cashback (if there is one)
$399 – $401 = $359 + bonus $80 Apple GC
Potentially could end up at $322 if there’s a 10% upsize Cashrewards cashback with the sale
Adding on the $80 bonus gift card from Apple makes this deal a whopping $242 with cashback, or at the very least $279 without cashback
Credits to @3235113 for finding the original deals
- Purchase $400 Apple GC from Coles to be returned in the form of Flybuys or from BIG W/ Aldi(redeem it at JB for Apple GC) to have 10% off straight discount
Black Friday